You searched for: “more audacious
audacious (adjective), more audacious, most audacious
1. Bold, daring, or fearless, especially in challenging certain assumptions or conventions: The soldier was an audacious warrior when he fought the enemy in order to save his comrades.
2. Extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave: Mildred's father was an audacious explorer in the Canadian north.
3. Extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive: The mayoral candidate had an audacious vision of the city's future.
4. Recklessly defiant of convention, propriety, law, etc.: Joe's audacious behavior during the demonstration resulted in his being arrested by the police.
5. Lively; unrestrained; uninhibited: The actress had an audacious interpretation of her role in the drama.
6. Referring to a person who shows an impudent lack of respect: The student made an audacious remark to the teacher when he was told to quit talking while she was presenting her lesson to the class.
7. Etymology: Formed from Latin audac-, the stem of audax, "bold", from audere, "to dare", from avidus, "eagerness" or "greed for something".
Showing contempt for a law or a situation.
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Extremely bold or daring, fearless.
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This entry is located in the following units: -acious (page 1) audac-, audaci- (page 1) -ous, -ious, -eous (page 5)